Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter H: 11 journals.


HAFED POLY Journal of Science, Management and Technology

Open Access Open Access

HAFED POLY Journal of Science, Management and Technology

The Journal accepts, review and publish scholarly articles that contribute to knowledge from Science field, Management and Technology discipline. The mission of JSMT is to bring improvement in the socio-economic environment, contemporary political discourse, science education and technological innovation in the modern society. The JSMT identifies potential processes, tools, techniques and applications for the development of humanities and provides insightful analysis about those factors that affect ICTs for human development initiatives. Proposing strategies to both governance and technology transfer in organizations for progressive enablement meant to address future educational challenges. Two types of papers are published in the Journal: Research Papers and Review Papers. It is intended that in a research paper, the original material should permit conclusion to be drawn and should not be of a purely preliminary nature. On the other hand, a review paper should critically assess the subject matter under consideration and provide the reader with a thorough review of the particular subject area based on the use of contemporary relevant published literature. The editorial team of the journal recognizes the publications are important to the authors who wish to publish the result of their research work. Typically, the journal would publish accepted articles within six months of acceptance after the peer-review process. All rights reserved. No part of the journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means without the prior written permission of the publisher: Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure. It is also a condition of publication in the journal that manuscripts submitted have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Also, upon acceptance of any manuscripts to be published in the journal, the author(s) have transferred copy right of the manuscripts to the publisher (Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure).


Haki Journal of Human Rights

Open Access Open Access

Haki Journal of Human Rights

HAKI Journal of Human Rights is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal that seeks to provide researchers, scholars and human rights practitioners with a platform for engaging in human rights theory, practice and advocacy.
The journal’s general aim is to broaden the study and practice of human rights by fostering a critical re-examination of existing approaches from an Afrocentric perspective through discussions on themes on the universal theory and practice of human rights.The Journal invites analytically rigorous papers, articles, comments on cases, legislation, policies and book reviews pertaining to various themes in Human Rights in Kenya.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Haramaya Law Review

Open Access Open Access

Haramaya Law Review

The Haramaya Law Review (HLR) publishes original scientific manuscripts and disseminates scientific and information to the users in Ethiopia, Africa and elsewhere in the world. It also enhances exchange of ideas among scientists engaged in research and development activities and accepts papers from anywhere else in the world. The Haramaya Law Review (HLR) publishes original scholarly works on any topic relevant to the legal community, including analysis of domestic or international laws and cases, the African Union and other international organizations, challenges and lessons from domestic practice, and original field research.Other websites associated with this journal:


Health SA Gesondheid

Open Access

Health SA Gesondheid

Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary and interprofessional scholarly journal that aims to promote communication, collaboration and teamwork between professions and disciplines within the health sciences to address problems that cross and affect disciplinary boundaries.The journal publishes original articles on issues related to public health, including implications for practical applications and service delivery that are of concern and relevance to Africa and other developing countries. It facilitates the gathering and critical testing of insights and viewpoints on knowledge from different disciplines involved in health service delivery.The journal offers the breadth of outlook required to promote health science education, research and professional practice.The journal with its interdisciplinary scope attracts interest from a wide audience of scientists and health professionals working in the areas of health care management, health care economics, policy making, nursing, psychology, sociology, ethics and education.Unique features distinguishing this journal

The journal has a strong regional focus (South Africa) with abstracts published in English. It offers a nurturing environment for young and novice researchers to showcase their work whilst upholding the standards of health science education, research and professional practice. The journal explores issues and posits solutions to current challenges existing in health care from an interdisciplinary perspective within Africa and other developing countries, including but not limited to:
  • improvement of health safety and service delivery
  • management and measurement of health services
  • evaluation and assessment of health care needs
  • prevention of ill health and health-affecting behaviours
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • health security, economics, policy and regulations.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Health Sciences Investigations Journal

Open Access Open Access

The HSI journal is a peer-reviewed journal for the communication of research results and policy  issues in the health sciences and related disciplines. Our mission is to increase the visibility and  impact of health sciences research in Ghana and globally 
Health Sciences Investigations (HSI) Journal publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical health sciences including medicine, biomedicine, pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, medical laboratory science, environmental health, public health, medical imaging and radiologic technologies and other allied health disciplines.  
The Journal is dedicated to serving scientists wishing to contribute to knowledge on global health.  The Journal publishes original research articles, systematic reviews, case reports, brief communications and letters to the editor. The journal also publishes interviews with global opinion leaders and policymakers on health matters of global relevance. We welcome original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

Our aim

  • The HSI Journal is an independent, international journal intended for the publication of original articles from the global scientific community. To reach the global community, especially those in resource-limited regions, HSI Journal provides on-line Open Access publications at no cost to authors and readers.

Our Mission

  • The HSI journal is a peer-reviewed journal for the communication of research results and policy issues in the health sciences and related disciplines. Our mission is to increase the visibility and impact of health sciences research in Ghana and globally.


  • Health Sciences Investigations (HSI) Journal publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical health sciences including medicine, biomedicine, pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, medical laboratory science, environmental health, public health, medical imaging and radiologic technologies and other allied health disciplines. The Journal is dedicated to serving scientists wishing to contribute to knowledge on global health. All HSI Journal publications are in English. The Journal publishes original research articles, systematic reviews, case reports, brief communications and letters to the editor. The journal also publishes interviews with global opinion leaders and policy makers on health matters of global relevance. We welcome original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic integrity. 

Other websites associated with this journal:


Highland Medical Research Journal

Open Access

Highland Medical Research Journal

The aim of the Highland Medical Research Journal is to publish scientific research in various fields of medical science and to communicate such research findings to the larger world community. It aims to promote cooperation and understanding amoungst workers in various fields of medical science.


Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics

Open Access

Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE) is an academic journal published by the College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia. Aimed at publishing high quality research papers in the field of
Leadership and Corporate Governance
Innovation and Change Management
Supply Chain Management
International business
Entrepreneurship and Development
and other topics related to business and economics contributing to international literatures.
You can see the journal's own website here.


HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

Open Access

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is an acclaimed Open Access journal with broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena. The journal’s publication criteria are based on high ethical standards and the rigor of the methodology and conclusions reported.Other websites related to this journal:


Humanities Review Journal

Humanities Review Journal

Humanities Review Journal is published in June and December by Humanities Research Forum. The Journal publishes original, well-researched papers, review essays, interviews, resume, and commentaries, which offer new insights into the various disciplines in the Humanities. The focus is on issues about Africa. However, comparative works from Western and other cultures designed to enhance the vitality of humanistic studies in Africa are acceptable.

The various issues parade contributions from the fields of Theatre Arts, Philosophy, English Language, Literature in English, History, Music, Communication Arts, Anthropology and other relevant disciplines.


Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania

Open Access

Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania

Huria  is an international journal that publishes original research papers of academic interest (theoretical, applied and general), targeting tertiary institutions and researchers and is therefore hospitable to scholarly writing on a variety of academic topics ranging from  education, humanities, social sciences and all cross cutting issues related to societal transformation in developing countries.  The types of contribution range from original research papers, review articles and technical notes. Submitted papers are subject to blind peer review by reputable researchers who are experts in the relevant fields.  Papers are evaluated for the quality of research as well as the relevance and accessibility for an international audience. The journal is published triennially in March, July and December.


Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies

Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies

Part of Royallite Global, Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies is a leading interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research works across the breadths of Literatures and Cultural Studies. The journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all; authors, therefore, benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal's broad aims and scope allow researchers to explore interconnected subject areas. Each article on this particular issue has been evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. 
Other websites associated with this journal:
Publication office: Muthaiga Business Centre, 1st Floor, Left Wing, Muthaiga Estate, Pangani Junction, along Thika Road, Nairobi, Kenya