Abridged Instructions for Authors, (see http://www.ajnt.org/ for more info) General considerations Papers written in either Arabic or English languages will be considered for publication. Manuscripts must be contributed solely to AJNT and must not have been published elsewhere except in abstract form. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with due respect to authors confidentiality; the editor-in-chief is the final authority on all editorial decisions. In accordance with Helsinki declaration, photographs of patients and identifying information will not be published unless they are essential for scientific purposes and after obtaining a written informed consent. Clinical trials must be registered in a public trials registry, and approval of the ethics committee of the relevant hospital should have been obtained, when appropriate. In addition to these general guidelines, authors are encouraged to consult reporting guidelines relevant to their specific research design; such as the CONSORT initiative for reporting randomized controlled trials. Preparation of the manuscript Manuscripts are accepted in either printed or electronic forms. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts in electronic format on diskettes or other electronic media or as attachment to electronic mail, accompanied by accurate copies of the manuscript on bond paper. Any word processing software may be used. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement that results presented have not been published previously in whole or part except in abstract form, and that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors. Copies of informed consents and permissions to reproduce published material must also accompany the manuscript. Use one side of A4 sized (210X297 mm) paper with 2 cm wide margin at both sides and 3 cm wide margins at the top and bottom of page; font size 12 (Times New Roman) is preferred, and the entire manuscript must be double-spaced including the abstract, footnotes, references, figure legends, and tables. Manuscripts should be arranged under the following headings: title page, conflict of interest statement, abstract and key words, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references, tables and figure legends. Start each section in a new page, and number all pages. Case reports, reviews, and editorials, are likely to need modified formats. Title page The title page should include: the complete title of the paper; the first name(s), middle initial(s), and surname of author(s); the institution of origin, including the city and country; disclaimers, if any; the name and complete address of the corresponding author including the telephone and fax numbers and the E mail address; source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these; a short title for use as a running head; word counts for the text only and for the abstract; and the number of figures and tables. Conflict of interest statement Authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist, and disclose all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest on a separate page immediately following the title page. Abstract and key words The abstract should be limited to 250 words structured under the following headings: introduction, methods, results, and conclusion; reviews and case reports may require modification of this format. Authors should provide 4 to 6 key words or short phrases that capture the main topics of the article. The main text The introduction should provide a context or background for the study and state the specific research objective of the study or observation. The Methods section should describe the selection of the participants and justify the use of variables such as race or ethnicity, it should describe the apparatus and procedures used in sufficient detail and give reasons for using new or modified methods, it should also describe statistical methods used. Results should be presented in logical sequence using tables and figures to explain information without duplication. The discussion should summarize briefly the main findings, then explore possible explanations for these findings, compare and contrast the results with other relevant studies, state the limitations of the study, and explore the implications of the findings for future research and for clinical practice. The conclusions should be linked with the goals of the study while avoiding unqualified statements and conclusions not adequately supported by the data. Acknowledgement Acknowledge presentation at meetings or previous publication in abstract form, as well as sources of financial or technical support for the study. References References should be identified by sequential Arabic numerals enclosed in brackets on the line of writing. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with their first identification in the text. “Unpublished observations” and “personal communication” should be cited in the text with the name of the person and date of communication cited in parentheses. List all authors. For the required reference format, please consult the National Library of Medicine’s Citing Medicine, available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine. Example for reference to journal article: Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005 Jan;62(1):112-6. Example for reference to entire book: Jenkins PF. Making sense of the chest x-ray: a hands-on guide. New York: Oxford University Press; 2005. 194 p. Example for reference to paper presented at conference: Patrias K. Computer-compatible writing and editing. Paper presented at: Interacting with the digital environment: modern scientific publishing. 46th Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors; 2003 May 3-6; Pittsburgh, PA. Tables Type each table on a separate sheet of paper. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines. Authors should place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Figures Figures should fit within the print area of 227x170 mm; figures that fit within one column width of 80 mm are preferred. It is preferred to submit figures inserted in the text in an electronic file format; but figures can be sent in separate electronic files or as printed copies. If inserted in the text, each figure should be on a separate sheet of paper with the number and title of each figure at the top of it. If figures are submitted separately, numbered figure legends must be listed sequentially in one page. Measurements, abbreviations, and drug names The international system of units should be used (e.g. meter, kilogram, liter, degrees Celsius). Use only standard abbreviations; the full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text. Generic names should be indicated for all drugs. Page proofs Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for correction and approval; the corresponding author is required to respond by fax or E mail within two weeks of receiving the proofs. Copyright The corresponding author will be required to sign a copyright transfer statement before the review process is undertaken. The copyright of published articles belongs to the Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation. No part of the published journal may be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission from the publisher. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of data contained in the papers; the editor(s) and publisher are not responsible for the contents of the papers. Manuscripts should be submitted to: Prof. Hasan Abu-Aisha Editor in chief Arab Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation PO Box 363, Khartoum, Sudan Fax: (+249)157972599 E mail: articles@ajnt.org

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1858-554X
print ISSN: 1858-554X
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