Daily catches of Loligo vulgaris and the fishing effort of commercial beach-seiners operating along the coasts of the Thracian Sea were recorded between October 1994 and May 1995. Taking into account the spatial distribution of the ports, the squid fishing grounds and the daily activity of the beach-seiners, five coastal zones were determined for the monitoring of fishery data. Multivariate analysis failed to show significant differences between the monthly catch rate (cpue) in the zones. However, Loligo vulgaris cpue was clearly seasonal, with a distinct peak in November and an evident decline from winter to spring. Temperature, rainfall and local wind records were used in making a preliminary investigation into meteorological factors that may affect beach-seine catches of squid. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that temperature is a highly significant explanatory variable for cpue variation, whereas the intensity of the wind plays an important role, but mostly during winter. Rainfall was significantly related to variation in cpue in one zone. Cpue was generally negatively correlated with air temperature and rainfall. Most significant correlations of cpue with wind were also negative.