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Long-term trends in the abundance and community structure of Coastal Zooplankton in the Southern Benguela system, 1951–1996
of different samplers, all taxa showed a significant long-term increase in their abundance by at least one order of magnitude between 1951 and 1996. Total zooplankton abundance increased from 4.2×103 to 7.2×105 ind.m–2 over the same period. Multiple regression analysis of the log-transformed data indicates size-based differential rates of
increase in population levels among the crustacean size classes, with a maximum rate in cyclopoids (slope = 0.052) and a minimum rate in euphausiids (slope = 0.035). This resulted in a significant shift through time in the crustacean zooplankton community structure, which may reflect differential size-selective predation during periods of anchovy Engraulis capensis or sardine Sardinops sagax dominance. The observed long-term increase in zooplankton abundance could be a response to a long-term decrease in predation pressure following decreases in stocks of pelagic fish, which in turn could be caused by increased predation by top predators. Another mechanism contributing to the long-term increase in zooplankton is the observed long-term intensification of coastal upwelling, which could enhance primary and secondary production, and increase advective input of zooplankton populations into the study area and augment their retention.