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Characterisation of new analogues of palytoxin isolated from an Ostreopsis mascarenensis bloom in the south-western Indian Ocean
one of the most potent marine toxins involved in seafood poisoning. The highest toxicity was retained in the butanol-soluble fraction, revealing a strong haemolytic activity, as found for palytoxin. Analyses using
high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection allowed the detection of two new toxins named mascarenotoxins (McTXs). Their mass spectrum profile and fragmentation pattern, obtained by advanced
nano-ESI-Q-TOF mass spectrometry of purified McTXs, were similar to those of a reference palytoxin. They were identified as palytoxin analogues, with the characterisation of a specific fragment ion m/z 327. O. mascarenensis
is a species not previously known to produce palytoxin analogues.