The relationships between shore-angling catch rates of nearshore predatory teleosts in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and the timing of the sardine run were examined using a multiple regression model. Results showed that catch rates of five (elf Pomatomus saltatrix, garrick Lichia amia, king mackerel Scomberomorus commerson, blacktip kingfish Caranx heberi and kingfish Caranx spp.) of the nine teleost predators selected for their predatory habits on sardine Sardinops sagax were significantly higher during the months of the sardine run (June–July/August). This corroborates anecdotal and scientific reports of close associations between these predatory fish and the run. It is not clear whether these relationships can be ascribed to a feeding migration by the predators, a reproductive migration by the predators or an extension of suitable habitat for both prey and predators during these months. It is possible that the misidentification of some predatory species may have confounded the results for some species, or that these species are not as strongly influenced by the sardine run as previously thought.
Keywords: CPUE, feeding, linefish, migration, recreational fishing, sardine, spawning
African Journal of Marine Science 2010, 32(2): 375–382