H Hamukuaya
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Private Bag 13355, Windhoek, Namibia
G Bianchi
Institute of Marine Research, P.O. Box 1870, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
D Baird
Department of Zoology, University of Port Elizabeth, P.O. Box 1600, Port Elizabeth 6000, South Africa
Groundfish surveys carried out between October 1992 and October 1996 were used to describe the demersal assemblages of the northern Benguela along the Namibian coast. Multivariate analyses indicated a clear separation between shelf and slope habitats, which were divided into three and two assemblages respectively. These divisions were distinct, with clear distributional boundaries separating them. Species determining the structure of these divisions and subdivisions and their relative abundances were identified. Depth, bottom temperature, bottom salinity and dissolved oxygen were all significantly correlated with the spatial distribution of the assemblages. Minor changes or shifts in the distribution of assemblages were observed over the study period, although patterns of species associations remained relatively constant.
Keywords: community, demersal, environment, fishery, Namibia, trawling
African Journal of Marine Science 2001, 23: 397–417