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Development of acoustic techniques for assessment of orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus biomass off Namibia, and of methods for correcting for bias
of orange roughy acoustically are addressed. Individual sources of error were quantified as well as possible, and input to an error model that simulated the error process and produced probability density functions of absolute biomass, from which the mean absolute biomass and its standard error could be computed for each survey, effectively correcting for identified sources of bias and quantifying the overall uncertainty. The correction factors
ranged from 1.58 to 1.71 and the CVs increased by factors of 1.2–2.1. Target strength uncertainty and negative bias attributable to the dead zone close to the bottom were considered to be the most serious errors. The acoustic estimates indicate a substantial decline in orange roughy biomass in all three QMAs since 1997, in accord with indices from contemporaneous swept-area surveys and the catch rate of the commercial fleet. Acoustic estimates have already been used extensively to manage the resource and are likely to remain important in the future.
Keywords: acoustics, deep-water fisheries, orange roughy, survey
African Journal of Marine Science 2001, 23: 223–240