LJ Atkinson
Marine Biological Research Institute, Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
S Mayfield
South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre, PO Box 120, Henley Beach, 5022 SA, Australia
AC Cockcroft
Marine and Coastal Management, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Private Bag X2, Rogge Bay 8012, South Africa
Although acoustic tracking has been used to study the movement of several species of clawed and spiny lobsters, only recent technological advances have provided sufficiently small transmitters to examine the utility of using acoustic tracking as a means to analyse the movement of relatively small spiny lobsters, such as Jasus lalandii. The effect of the transmitter on the mobility of J. lalandii was tested in aquarium experiments and was shown to have no influence on movement in three separate experiments. Thereafter, adult male rock lobsters (86–98mm carapace length) were tracked in field trials for up to 32 days at Betty's Bay (n = 4) and Hermanus (n = 5) off the Western Cape, South Africa. Tracking J. lalandii in the field using acoustic tags was successful, even in areas with dense kelp beds and rocky outcrops. The signal from the transmitters was readily detectable from the surface and subsequent use of underwater tracking equipment enabled visual confirmation of the position of the rock lobsters. Lobsters moved significantly longer distances (>45m day–1) in the first two days following tagging than during any subsequent time period (<10m day–1). This suggests that transmitter attachment and/or handling altered the movement pattern for the first 72 hours after tagging. During the period of observation, J. lalandii displayed classical nomadic behaviour.
Keywords: acoustic tracking; acoustic transmitters; daily movements; rock lobster
African Journal of Marine Science 2005, 27(2): 401–408