The Journal pursues a policy of double-blind peer-review. Papers may vary in length from 5000-7500 words. Papers outside this range may only be considered under special circumstances.

Papers are invited from the general academic, research and practitioner community in Africa and around the world; the journal will occasionally issue calls for papers along particular thematic lines or request peer commentaries on topical issues.

Submission - WORD version

  • by email to;
  • Online:

Notes to Contributors
Authors are to note that should the Editor deem it necessary, the Journal may call for data files/analyses and/or research instruments for separate or simultaneous review. It is a condition of acceptance for review, that the paper is not under consideration elsewhere and that the data are not being repeated from a previous work (except that clear and demonstrable alternate issues, concepts or extensions are being developed, in which case due reference and notification must be made to the said previous work). The Journal has an Internet Editor.

The following are the key submission requirements:

  • There must be an Abstract of up to 250 words. Manuscripts must be prepared with MS Word and in Times New Roman font size 12. one inch margins must be maintained all round, fully justified and in double line spacing.
  • Title Page (title, author’s name/s, institutional affiliation, full contact details – phone, fax, email and post) must be prepared separate from the body of the paper. Titles must be as concise as possible and not more than 15 words. Authors must avoid any reference to themselves no matter how tangential in the body of the text.
  • Avoid the use of foot or end notes.
  • Tables, Figures and Diagrams must be camera ready and sharp, set within the text; numbered, titled at the bottom without spacing from table, figure or diagram, all in font size 10. Voluminous descriptive data tables are not encouraged, except that they have direct bearing on the discourse and need to be referred to. Parsimony in use of tables and figures is preferred. All articles should include in the methodology, clear statement of where and when data were collected. The use of student populations where the matter at hand does not relate to student issues is not encouraged.
  • Formulae must be presented using appropriate font and symbols, and set to centre.
  • It is the responsibility of authors to secure the necessary copyright permissions if reproducing illustrations and diagrams or using extensive ditto quotes reaching to 100 words or more at any one quote.
  • African Journal of Management Research requires that authors note that copyright is vested in the Journal.
  • It is generally preferred that authors should ensure they articulate the nature of their paper’s contribution to theory, method, policy or practice.

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the following format:

  • Title of the paper should be in Title Case, Bold and centred
  • No paragraph numbering,
  • Follow APA referencing style in the body of the text and in the reference listing.
  • Examples of referencing in body of text: 
    o In sentence: Aryeetey (2001); 
    o End sentence: (Hinson, Domfeh and Ayee, 1999); 
    o If a work has more than 2 authors, cite all in the first instance and use ‘et al’ subsequently.

Reference list should use the following style:

Journal Articles:

  1. Puplampu, B. (2004). Meaning of Work, Journal of Behaviour, Vol. 2, No. 3, 111-120.
  2. Puplampu, B. and Kwame, K. (2004). Meaning of Work, Journal of Behaviour, Vol. 2, No. 3, 111-120.


  1. Puplampu, B. (2004). Meaning of Work. Publisher, Place of Publication.


  1. Puplampu, B. (2004). “Time to Arise and Shine.” ICCON News 2004, a newsletter of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, 2(2), 2.

Book Chapter:

  1. Puplampu, B. (2004). Regional Agreements as Clubs: The European Case, in Kwame K. and Aboagye, J. (eds.) The Political Economy of Regionalisation, Ghana: University of Ghana Press, 107-133

Report on Website:

  1. USTR (2008). Report shows AGOA continues to grow and diversify US-Africa trade, May 16. Retrieved on December 19, 2008 from t..

Article on website:

  1. Puplampu, B. (2006). What drives China’s growing role in Africa? An IMF Working Paper WP/07/211.RetrievedonSeptember10,2006 from

All Headings of articles must be centred and use the following house style for headings of sections:
FIRST HEADING (Bold, UPPER CASE, 1 space from text, font size 12)
Secondary Heading (Bold, Title Case, not spaced from text, font size 12)
Tertiary Heading (Italicised, Title Case, not spaced from text, font size 12)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-7435
print ISSN: 2343-6689
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