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Econometric analysis of resource use efficiency and profitability of farm management practices on output of snail (archachatina marginata) by smallscale snail farmers in cross river state, Nigeria
government areasfollowed by three villages were randomly selected. 40 respondents were randomly selected from each village.. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and costsreturns analysis. The results indicated that Cobb-Douglas production function had the best fit in
explaining the relationship between output of snail and inputs used, the coefficient of multiple determinant R2=0.60 indicates that sixty percent of the variability in output of snail is explained by the independent variables. Results from the analysis also revealed that the marginal value products
of farm size, labour, farm management practices and operating costs were N1080, N20.6, N972.8 and N 14.84 respectively, there existed allocative in-efficiency, there is a high potential for snail farmers to increase their yields and income. Further analysis of results revealed that net returns on
snail is N2,935,000.00 with return on every naira invested of N 0.14 is also positive indicating a profit from the business, with attractive net return on investment. Notable among the problems confronting snail farmers are high cost of feed supplement , lack of capital, inaccessibility of formal
credit source because lack of collaterals, lack of extension agents, lack of medication/vaccines, poor production infrastructures and lack of good farm management practices occupied 15%, 14.17%,11.67%,10%,9.17%,9.17% and 8.33% respectively. The constraints associated with the business as highlighted in this paper if tackled could pave a way to increase profit and this will alleviate poverty in Cross River State. However, based on the findings of the study it is recommended that snail farmers in the study area should form cooperative group(s) in order to obtain loans from bank(s) to increase their yield and income by expansion of their farms, improving efficiency and adopting new technologies. Beside that, extension agents should train snail farmers on the adoption of new technologies in snail production.