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Effect of sedentarization on the economic, social and cultural activities of fulani agro-pastoralists in Oyo state.
The paper investigated the effect of sedentarization on socio-economic and cultural activities of Fulani agro-pastoralist in Oyo state. Random sampling technique was employed to select 171 agro-pastoralists in the state. Chi-square was used to test relationships between personal
characteristics of respondents and their non-agricultural activities as a result of sedentarization. The result shows the mean age of respondents as 38 years and majority were male (83.9%). All the respondents were married and were polygamous with mean household size of 9 persons.
The respondents had low level of education as 58.8% had no formal education. Majority (78.4%) had settled in the study area for over 11 years. Free use of land (63.2%) was common among respondents, while 60.2% had herd size of 30. Respondents were highly involved in livestock enterprise namely cattle (60.2%), while their involvement in non-agricultural activities was low. Crops like cassava, maize sorghum and vegetable were cultivated for household use except millet, and soybeans which were cultivated for household use and sales. Socio-cultural activities that changed as a result of sedentarization include their building pattern), diet status) and mode of dressing while there was no change in their marriage pattern/ceremony and early marriage). Significant relationship existed between sexes, age, length of settlement and the type of non agricultural activities the pastoralists are involved.
Keywords: Sedentarization, Agro-pastoralists, Activities, Effects