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Comparative studies on organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of beef and texturized vegetable protein (TVP)
The nutritional composition of beef and TVP reveal that TVP has higher protein content of 51.2% than beef (20.6%). Moisture content is higher in beef (67.8%) than in TVP, (7.1%) while there is no carbohydrate in beef but about 30.3% is found in TVP. Fat is also higher in beef (13.2%) than TVP (11.2%). While minerals like calcium, iron and vitamins like niacin, and B6are higher in TVP than in beef. Iron is 12.7mg/g in TVP and 3.6mg/g in beef, while calcium is 250.9mg/g in TVP and 10.8mg/g in beef.
There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between beef and TVP when it was cooked in stew and vegetable soup. There was significant (P < 0.05) difference between beef and TVP when it was fried. TVP was found to be acceptable in Iluju, Lanlate, Adana, Igangan and Iroko villages for vegetable soup, while Ikoyi and Oniyo found it acceptable in stew.
Due to high protein content and high acceptability of TVP they can be used as protein intervention in places where the diet is poor in protein.
(Af. J. of Livestock Extension: 2003 2: 75-80)