Africa's historical glory and pace set in the information and communication sector is highlighted in perspective of her previous contribution in the development of information age. Now being a net importer, and her contemporary loss of a place in the information age, Information Technology is a key resource that should be maximised by African nations in order to achieve competitiveness in the current dynamic world economy. Africa remains at crossroads with the rest of the world. Africa is now in the limelight as economically stagnant and technologically marginalised enjoying only 1 per cent of the Internet connectivity out of over 50 million intended worldwide users with one telephone for every 200 people. The current scene is analysed through selected literature reviews which give an indication of fundamental issues and ills facing African countries in this era of information society. The participatory roles Africa need to play as her contributory efforts in helping to create a global information society are highlighted.
(African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: 2000 10 (1): 35-42)