This paper discusses the potential of graffiti scribbled by users on library walls, furniture and materials as feedback tool in library management. An Analysis of 285 graffiti found in different places within the library of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria yielded interesting results. While 162 (56.84%) of them were social, political and religious in nature, the remaining 125 (43.16%) covered readers' opinions of different aspects of library services in the university. Those related to the library were further categorised into graffiti on (a) staff and their attitudes (25.20%); (b) quality of services rendered (20.32%); (c) noise level in the library (15.44%); (d) particulars of books used (17.88%); (e) frustration with other library users (11.38%); and (f) miscellaneous matters about the library (9.75%). Next to suggestion boxes, graffiti may be said to represent, to a large extent, users' candid opinions on library services and effectiveness. The paper recommends that university libraries should take time to study and analyse graffiti found in their libraries for their potential as feedback mechanism in library management.
(African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: 2002 11 (1): 17-24)