This study was conducted to assess the impact of three intervention measures on collection development at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library, (ABTUL), Bauchi. The World Bank Federal Universities Development Sector Adjustment Credit was the best managed in conception and implementation, and has had the most impact. Under the scheme, ABTUL received 4756 volumes of books or 67.06% of total library acquisitions for the three years it lasted. The journals received under The World Bank Project accounted for 54.5%, 43.15% and 52.88% of total subscriptions for 1993, 1994 and 1995 respectively. The Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund National Educational Materials Procurement Programme was crudely executed even though it earned the Library 5082 volumes of books out of which only 1289 (25.36%) were processed. This was because some of the titles were supplied in hundreds of volumes, which were not necessary under normal collection development exercise. The Educational Tax Fund allocation of N3.5 million ($30,000) for year 2000, received in 2002, were expended on the purchase of computers and photocopiers. But most of the subsequent allocations were spent on collection development.
(African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: 2003 13 (1): 79-86)