The African Journal of Interactional Affairs and Development is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to high quality commentaries, articles, research notes, and book reviews on the legal, political-diplomatic, economic, sociocultural, and military-security issues at the core of Africa's foreign relations and world affairs. It covers the environment, development issue, conflict, and cooperation among regional actors in a global context. Despite its African origin, AJIAD maintains a wide thematic variety and broad outlook in theory, methodology and area focus, Special attention is paid to significant developments in Asia which provide lessons for Africa as dynamic societies entering a phase in global development and technology.

In its aim to break down the barriers among the  worlds of academia, journalism, government, and business AJIAD's advertisement section includes announcements of conferences, meetings, new books, journals, and programmes. Information on tourism, trade and business worldwide is also included (contact the Advert Manager for current advertisement rates and schedules).

Manuscripts not longer than 15 A4-sized pages, typed double-spaced, accompanied by an abstract (150-200 words) and a half-page resume (summarizing the author's training, affiliation, professional and publishing career, research interest etc., should submitted in duplicate with an IBM-compatible disc in Microsoft Word.

Published authors are entitled to two free copies of the issue in which heir article appears. They are expected to subscribe to the journal and also encourage their institutions to subscribe as well.

Articles appearing in AJIAD are available on microfilm and electronically on CD-ROM, etc, at University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, and indexed in International Political Science Abstracts; the Abstract Journal, African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands; Index of African Social Periodicals, CODESRIA, Senegal; International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publication, United Kingdom and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA).

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