Lois E Ikome
Faculty of Science, University of Buea, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon
Kenneth JN Ndamukong
Faculty of Science, University of Buea, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon
Helen Kimbi
Faculty of Science, University of Buea, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon
A study was carried out in Limbe and its environs to determine the prevalence of cerebral malaria vis-à-vis uncomplicated malaria, and to assess the importance of parasitaemia level, packed cell volume and hypoglucaemia as predictors of cerebral malaria. Data were obtained using a questionnaire administered to 650 people aged between 6 months and 70 years, and by a case-control study on 90 people (30 cases and 60 controls) aged between 6 months and fifteen years. The results of the questionnaire study revealed uncomplicated malaria prevalence rate of 50.9% as against 7.1% for cerebral malaria. The highest prevalence of these infections occurred in the 0-5 years age group, dropping in people aged 16 years and above. The case-control study revealed high parasitaemia (100,000 – 500,000 parsites/mm3 of blood) in uncomplicated malaria patients and hyperparasitaemia (>500,000 parasites/mm3 of blood) in cerebral malaria patients. Patients with uncomplicated malaria had either normal haemoglobin (PCV<18%). Hypoglycaemia (>40mg glucose/dl) was recorded in 12.9% of cerebral malaria patients, but in none of the patients with uncomplicated malaria.
[Afr. J.Health Sci. 2002; 9: 61-67]