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Variations in the Branching of the Coronary Artery among Black African Population: A cadaveric study in western Kenya

Otieno Anyango Olgah
Marera Oduor Domnic
Ngw’ena Magak Gideon


Introduction:  The right and the left coronary arteries are the principal branches of the coronary artery. These blood vessels are responsible for the overall blood supply to the muscles of the heart. Variations are anomalies in the branching pattern of the coronary arteries which can affect the amount of blood reaching the myocardium. This can lead to technical problems during procedures like cardiac catheterization causing misdiagnosis resulting in complications during diagnostic intervention in surgical procedures of the heart. This study sought to determine these variations among the black African population in Western Kenya by assessing the variations in the branching pattern of the coronary arteries.

Materials And Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used in the Maseno University, Uzima University and Masinde Muliro University Human anatomy laboratories which were selected through purposive sampling. Branches of the coronary artery was the dependent variable while gender was the independent variable. Seventy-two (72) sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula. Data sheets were used to capture the variables while descriptive statistics was used to calculate the frequency and percentage of variation in the branching of the coronary arteries. Pearson’s correlation test was used to analyze the relationship between the variables and variations with a P=≤ 0.05 considered as significant. Ethical approval was put into consideration and a license number: NACOSTI /P/22/21905 was issued.

Results: The posterior descending artery had the most variations on the left coronary at 20.8% artery while on the right the sinoatrial nodal artery varied most with 2.8% originating from the right aortic cusps while the remaining originating from the posterior descending artery.

Conclusions And Recommendations: Variations were most on the left coronary artery which could jeopardize surgeries leading to misdiagnosis and fatalities. Increased awareness among the population with early routine imaging is key in managing variations is needed.

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eISSN: 1022-9272