About the Journal
Author fees
This journal does not charge fees to authors. It is Diamond Open Access.
Publisher Information
Adventist University of Africa
Peer review
AJHES operates a double anonymized review process. The Chief Editor initially assesses all contributions to determine their suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality and value of the paper. The manuscript may need revisions to address the concerns and recommendations emanating from the review process. The Chief Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles.
To ensure anonymity in the review of manuscripts, identifying material should be kept out of the manuscript. A front page giving authorship, institution affiliation, biographical statement, and acknowledgments is provided in a separate file. Only the title is provided for identification on the manuscript and abstract received by the reviewers.
Publication Scheduling
This journal publishes 2 issues in 1 volume a year.