Reducing malnutrition-related maternal and childhood morbidity and mortality in Africa requires a systematic and coordinated strategy. This paper discusses a health sector strategy which includes: i) advocating for action in nutrition at all levels; ii) integration of the essential nutrition actions into six key contact points (antenatal, maternity/delivery, postnatal, well-baby clinics, sick baby clinics and family planning); iii) management of the interventions to ensure client health care needs are met with a high level of quality and at an affordable cost, and iv) measurement of the changes in behaviour and nutrition outcomes. Core to the process is continuous advocacy, at all levels, for increased investment in nutrition and development of human and institutional capacity in order to address malnutrition.
Key words: nutrition; essential behaviours; quality; health; sub-Saharan Africa
(Af. J. Food and Nutritional Sciences: 2002 2 (1): 29-33)