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Weed management in banana production: The use of Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng as a nonleguminous cover crop
showed reduced abundance and vigour. The reduction in abundance ranged from 60 to 100%. The reduction in abundance was more pronounced during the dry season when cover crop growth was dense, than in the rainy season when there was reduced growth. The pseudo - stem circumference, bunch weight and hand class were significantly higher (p > /0.05) for plants grown with cover crop than for those grown without. The number of snails on and around the pseudo - stem was also significantly
reduced in banana grown with N. canescens cover crop than in plants grown without. N. canescens has
an added advantage in that it is prostrate and does not climb on the banana pseudo - stem. This may be
a good alternative weed management tool in banana production. The techniques of mass production
need to be developed.