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Biology Teachers’ Perception of Impact of Continuous Professional Development Programs in 12-Year Basic Schools in the Kirehe District, Rwanda

Nepomuscene Hategekimana
Gatarira Pierre Cobes


Continuous professional development (CPD) is crucial for enhancing the teaching profession. Biology teachers have gained knowledge, skills and competencies through CPD programs to improve learning outcomes. This study examined the perceptions of biology teachers regarding CPD programs in 12YBES of Kirehe district, focusing on their views, the barriers they face, and possible solutions. It, therefore, aimed to provide the biology teachers’ perception towards CPD programs, barriers and remedies. A mixed methods approach was applied, involving 20 head teachers and 46 biology teachers from 12YBES. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and secondary sources, and analyzed using SPSS. The findings revealed that 94% of biology teachers perceived that CPD programs strengthened their teaching methodology and conseqontly impacted their learners’ biology learning outcomes. However, remarkable barriers were identified including shortage of learning aids (61%) and lab equipment (20%). This study highlighted the importance of CPD but not fully utilized, recommending expanded CPD activities across all sectors to improve learning outcomes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2508-1128
print ISSN: 0855-501X