Authors should please refer to the aims and scope of the Journal before deciding on whether to submit manuscripts. In all papers, there should be a lucid description of the technique of analysis and the anticipated benefits and costs of policy prescriptions. The manuscripts should be submitted as follows: Forward four copies of the manuscript to: The Managing Editor, African Journal of Economic Policy, c/o Trade Policy Research and Training Programme Department of Economics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. All copies must be clearly legible. All copies must be double-spaced, including quoted matter, references, notes, captions, and tables. Papers should not normally exceed twenty A4 double-spaced pages, typed on one side of the paper only. Papers grossly exceeding this guideline may be returned to their authors unreviewed, pending a submission of more reasonable length. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a 100 word Abstract, to appear at the beginning of the article, and a brief biographical sketch of about 50 words. Place title, author's name and biographical sketch on the cover page. The title of the article (but not the author's name) should appear again on the first text page as a means of identification. Submitted manuscripts are circulated for review without the author's name or institutional affiliation. Statistical tables should be included only when the data are not readily available elsewhere and when they are actually used in the analysis. All such tables should be sequentially numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text, and should be included in the text. Detailed regression results and similar calculations should be included only to the extent that these results are actually discussed and/or will be of definite use of others. Diagrams should be provided in a form suitable for reproductions

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eISSN: 1116-4875
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