Politique de la Revue/ Journal Policy
La Revue africaine de la démocratie et de la gouvernance (RADG) est une revue trimestrielle, multi-, inter-, et transdisciplinaire, totalement examinée par les pairs de façon indépendante et aveugle. Elle publie des éditoriaux, articles, et recensions de livres sur les questions de démocratie, bonne gouvernance, développement et paix en Afrique. Son objectif principal est de constituer un forum d’échange d’idées et une réserve de travaux intellectuels de haut niveau scientifique qui influent sur les politiques et contribuent à l’établissement et/ou à la consolidation de la démocratie, de la bonne gouvernance, du développement et de la paix qui conditionnent la renaissance de l’Afrique. La RADG est une revue bilingue publiant des articles en français et/ou en anglais. Elle est publiée à la fois sous forme imprimée et électronique. La RADG est une revue internationale approuvée sur la liste norvégienne.

The African Journal of Democracy and Governance (AJDG) is a fully peer-reviewed quarterly, multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary journal, based on independent and blind peer-review. It publishes editorials, articles, and book reviews on issues related to democracy, good governance, development and peace in Africa. Its main objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and constitute a repository of scholarly works of high academic standards which impact on policies and contribute to the establishment and/or consolidation of democracy, good governance, development and peace that are critical for an African renaissance. AJDG is a bilingual journal that publishes articles in French and/or English. It is published both in a printed format and online. AJDG is an international journal approved on the Norwegian List.

A propos de l’IDGPA
La RADG est une revue publiée par l’Institut pour la démocratie, la gouvernance, la paix et le développement en Afrique (IDGPA). L’IDGPA est une organisation sans but lucratif et indépendante légalement reconnue en République Démocratique du Congo et en Afrique du Sud. Il a comme objectif d’encourager les recherches, de faire du lobbying et de contribuer à la formation en vue de la promotion de la démocratie, de la bonne gouvernance, du développement et de la paix en Afrique. L’IDGPA anime plusieurs programmes dont le programme genre tendant à assurer la promotion de la femme dans l’espace public africain.

AJDG is a journal published by the Institute for Democracy, Governance, Peace and Development in Africa (IDGPA). IDGPA is a non-profit and independent organisation legally recognized in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in South Africa. It aims to encourage research, to lobby, and contribute to the training with a view to promoting democracy, good governance, development, and peace in Africa. The Gender programme, which focuses on the promotion of women in the African public sphere, is one of the major IDGPA programmes

Notes for Contributors
Manuscripts (between 4000 and 8000 words including references) submitted to AJDG should be typed double-spaced (font Times New Roman, 12). Electronic versions should be submitted as MS Word attachments. Please use the Harvard Reference System (Author-year: page) for bibliographic referencing in the text, e.g.: As for democracy, the question being discussed in some Afropessimistic hard-line circles is whether elections still matter in Africa (Mangu Mbata 2012: 24).

Bibliographical references at the end of the article should list every work cited in the text following an alphabetical order, e.g.:

Ake, Cl. 1991. "’Afrique vers la démocratie". Africa Forum, Vol.1, No.2.
Bongeli, Y. & Ntumba, L. 1992. "Université, recherche et sous-développement au Zaïre". InKankwenda, Mbaya (ed.). Le Zaïre vers quelles destinées? Dakar: CODESRIA, 169-206.Constitution du Botswana, http://www.eisa.org (accessed on 30 December 2013).
Mbata, Mangu et al. 2005. Universités et libertés académiques en République Démocratique du Congo. La désolation. Dakar : CODESRIA.
Mbata, Mangu, A. 2011. Barack Obama et les défis du changement global. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Authors should indicate their full name, address, academic status and current institutional affiliation. This should appear on a separate covering page. An abstract of 150 to 200 words stating the main research problem, major findings and conclusions should be sent with the manuscript for translation into French and English with a list of at least six keywords.

Articles submitted to AJDG should be original contributions. They cannot be submitted at the same time to another journal and will be anonymously examined by at least two independent reviewers. Authors should acknowledge all their sources in the notes and/or bibliographical references and avoid any kind of plagiarism. Selected papers will be published in a printed format and online. (https://journals.co.za/content/journal/ajdg)

All manuscripts and other editorial correspondence should be emailed to:
Editor-in-chief : Prof André Mbata Mangu
Email: amangu@idgpa.org
Editorial Secretaries : Prof Junior Kabange Nkongolo
Email: 42026067@mylife.unisa.ac.za
Emile Muadimanga Ilunga
Email: emilemuadimang@hotmail.com

Guidelines for Book Reviews
The following guidelines provide specific rules and direction for all African Journal of Democracy and Governance (AJDG) book reviewers.
The journal is bilingual. Book reviews can therefore be prepared either in English or in French.
Only books which are published in the last two years can be reviewed.
A book review should not consist of more than 700 words in length.
If two books are reviewed, they must have a strong common denominator and, in this case 1000 words in length, are permissible.

Below are examples of titles of some book reviews:
Edited Books
Korwa, A.G. & Schraeder, P.J. (eds.) Globalization and Emerging Trends in African Foreign Policy: A Comparative Perspective of Eastern Africa. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2007. + 242 pages. ISBN: 13: 977-0-7618-3287-4.

Single Authored Books

Magstadt, T. M. Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning, 2009. + 766 pages. ISBN: 13: 978-0-495-50330-9.
Use citations and references in the text. Footnotes and Endnotes should not be included in the book review. Where a direct quote is drawn from a book, indicate the specific page(s) at the end of the sentence before the stop. The page number(s) should be in brackets.

The full author guidelines, in English and French, are available here.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2313-6529
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