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The reintegrating role that can be played by a traditional conflict-resolving mechanism in the eastern Hararghe zone of Oromiya regional state, Ethiopia

Nigusie Angessa


This article presents qualitative data on the reintegrating role that can be played by a traditional confl ict-resolving mechanism in the eastern Hararghe zone of Oromiya regional state. The study was conducted in one of the districts of the eastern Hararghe zone where resource-based inter- and intragroup confl icts are widely observed. The data used in the study were generated from one-on-one interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis during fi eld work in the selected district. The study revealed that confl icts in the research site emanate from stiff competition among parties over scarce resources. Individuals’ avaricious behaviour, dilemmas, and uncertainty over their subjective and objective interests create competing goals, polarised groups and tensions, which in turn lead the parties to the confl icts. The confl icts become complex and cyclical due to unaddressed animosity, fear, frustration, and anger developed among parties in conflict. The study indicated that in spite of its declining power and sphere of influence, a community-based traditional conflict resolution mechanism called ‘Gumaa’ plays a great role in constructively resolving the inter- and intragroup conflicts and reintegrating the conflicting parties–revitalising the socio-psychological factors which contribute to peace.

African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Volume 13, Number 1, 2013

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-737X
print ISSN: 1562-6997