This study is aimed to determine the effects of maternal and fetal parasitaemia on maternal and fetal haemoglobin. A nine-month (January - September 1997) prospective study was carried out at the labour unit of the Regional Hospital in Mongomo, Guinea Equatoria. One hundred and twenty-four patients with singleton deliveries were studied. The prevalence rate of maternal and fetal parasitaemia were 102 (82.25%) and 33 (26.61%) respectively. The mean maternal haemoglobin was 10.11 + 1.35 gm/dl, those with parasitaemia 9.26+0.85 gm/dl and those without parasitaemia 11.45+1.20 gm/dl (p<0.005). There is a close correlation between maternal parasitaemia, worsening maternal haemoglobin level and fatal parasitaemia (p<0.005 df=3 95% CI). Fetal parasitaemia is significantly commoner in fetuses with severe anaemia compared to those with negative fatal parasitaemia (p<0.005). The author emphasized curative treatment of all pregnant women at the first antenatal care visit to be supplemented by adequate prophylaxis throughout pregnancy. Choice of drugs for treatment and prophylaxis must be guided by the local sensitivity patterns and safety profiles of the drugs to the mothers and the developing fetuses.
Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2004; 5 (3): 217-220