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Onchocerciasis in communities in forest zone, South West Nigeria: prevalence and diagnostic method for rapid assessment
Method: the study area was randomly selected using lottery method. The study subjects are from all works of life of both sexes and not below the age of 10. Structured questionnaire was administered to obtain vital epidemiological information from study subjects. Skin snip as standard method of diagnosing onchocerciasis was done using method as described and was compared with other potential diagnostic indicators. The methods of sample analysis are described. Data were analysed by using correlation coefficient, Duncan multiple range test, and analysis of variance where appropriate.
Results: of the 240 subjects examined, 35.4% were skin snip positive. Whereas infection increases with age of subjects (P<0.05), the difference in the infection among male and female subjects is not significant (P > 0.05). Of all the methods of diseases assessment, only nodule palpation method correlate well with the standard diagnostic method skin snip.
Conclusion: the merit of nodule palpation and criteria for the determination are discussed. Nodule palpation assessment method (NPAM) was recommended as an alternative rapid assessment method of large scale surveillance of onchocerciasis in Nigeria. NPAM could be used for monitoring and evaluation of the current programme of mectizan distribution in the country.
(Af. J. of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology: 2002 3(1): 29-32)