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Peer Review

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are first scrutinized by the Editorial Board for suitability of publication within the scope of the Journal and for manuscript preparation in line with the Journal guideline. Successful manuscripts are then sent to a minimum of two independent assessors for peer review in a blinded manner. Two assessors’ reports must agree for the Board to make a decision concerning acceptance or rejection of a manuscript. The review process takes between 4 to 6 weeks for completion.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes quarterly.


Article Processing Charge
Subscription information
Books on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

By Boaz Adegboro, MD.
Editor, African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology

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African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology is an OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL published under the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License <arel="license"href= "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"; and from 2016, has been publishing four times a year: January, April, July and October.

Free downloads can be made from the website of the world’s largest online library of peer reviewed, Africa-published scholarly journals, African Journals OnLine (AJOL): https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajcem OR from the Journal website https://www.afrjcem.org. Subscription is however still open to individuals, libraries, University Departments, Research Institutes and other Multi-reader institutions who may want to have hard copies of the Journal. For each volume (4 issues), subscription rate is ?400 (United Kingdom), US $800 (USA/Canada), US $600 (African Countries), US $800 (Other Countries), N28,000 (Nigeria). Additional charges will be made for postage and packaging. A copyright for these is with African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology.

Subscription enquiries and all other matters relating to the Journal including manuscripts, adverts booking and sponsorship should be addressed to:

Prof Samuel S. Taiwo (FMCPath)

Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology, Department of Medical Microbiology,

LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, PMB 4007, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

Mobile Phone: +234 (0) 8033436344

Email: afrjcem@gmail.com

Payments for subscription and any other payments are to be made online in favour of African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology

African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology is open access, therefore authors are charged based on number of print pages of their published articles (not number of pages of their submitted manuscripts). The charge per print page is ?10 (UK), €12 (Europe), $15 (US/Canada) and N 5000 (Nigeria).  

Waiver on Article Processing Charge

Authors based in some countries may enjoy some percentage waiver on article processing charge for their accepted manuscripts. Waivers are not automatic but given at the discretion of the Editorial Board and according to the World Bank Atlas classification of countries based on Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. The following percentage waiver may be given; High Income Countries – 0% waiver; Upper Middle Income Countries – 0% waiver; Lower Middle Income Countries – up to 25% waiver; Low Income Countries – up to 40% waiver. Authors from countries entitled to waiver should request for this at the time of manuscript submission. 


African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology is indexed at the following bodies; (i) African Journals Online (AJOL) https://www.ajol.info/ with ONE STAR rating (out of a possible three) in the Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) Framework assessment https://www.journalquality.info (March 2019); (ii) Index Copernicus International (ICI) Journal Master List www.indexcopernicus.com (ID 35531) with Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2019 of 93.10, and for 2020 of 71.43; (iii) SCOPUS with SCImago Journal Rank value of 0.19 (SJR 2017, 0.19) and H index of 2 https://www.scimagojr.com/ journalsearch.php?q=21100333807&tip=sid&clean=0; (iv) Society of African Journal Editors (SAJE) Library https://africaneditors.org; with 2020 Journal Ranking of ‘A’, Impact Score of 1.092, h5 Index of 6, Citation of 119; and 2021 Journal Ranking of ‘A’, Impact Score of 1.143, h5 Index of 6, and Citation of 154; (v) African Researchers (AR) Index (https://www.africanresearchers.org/arindex/african-journal-of-clinical-and-experimental-microbiology/)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-689X
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