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Effects of aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces and ocimun gratissimumleaves on interstinal transit in rats
were also pulverized. 10% extracts of both powders were made and administered orally to rats at varying doses. Test rats were given the 10% extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and Hibiscus sabdariffa at 0.5/100g, 1ml/100g, 2ml/100g body weight. Control rats received saline instead of extracts. After 30 minutes, each animal was then given 1.5 ml of a dye solution orally. 1 hour after administering the dye each rat was sacrificed and the intestine carefully dissected out. The length of the intestine and the transit point of the orally administered dye were then measured. The transit point was calculated as a percentage of the total length of the intestine. The extracts of both Ocimum gratissimum and Hibiscus sabdariffa caused a reduction in the transit points of the dye. The extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa was more
effective. The reduction in transit point, and hence the increase in transit time by both extracts indicates that the plants could be useful at appropriate doses in the control of diarrhea. Hibiscus sabdariffa would be more effective in this regard.