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An assessment of the health and social economc implications of satchet water in Ibadan, Nigeria: A public health challenge
brands of sachet water from important hawkers/vendors. The samples were subjected to physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis. For chemical analysis, Hanna’s 100 spectrophotometer plus chemical reagents were used. The water samples were assessed for
coliform and other intestinal bacteria using MKC cowkery broth (MM) and Brilliant Green Bile Broth (BGBB). Multiple tube method was employed. The result showed that the physical parameters were within W.H.O limits for drinking water quality guidelines except for pH which
ranged from 6.6 - 9.7. Some chemical parameters were also within the W.H.O guideline values. However; aluminum which concentration ranged from 0.00 — 0.34 mg/l, fluoride concentration ranged from 0.01 — 1.87 mg/I and cyanide concentration ranged from 0.000 —0175 were not. Bacteriological analysis, showed that five (5) or 6.4% of the samples tested fielded bacterial growth. Bacteria produced included: Klebsiella sp., Streptococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The enforcement of the regulation guiding water quality before the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC) to comply with the drinking water qualities guideline values as recommended by W.H.O, becomes urgent.