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Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Solanum aethiopicum on isolated guinea pig ileum

AB Saba
OA Dina
AA Adedapo
IO Akhiromen


Pharmacological reactivity of guinea pig ileum to aqueous extract of Solanum aethiocpicum was determined in vitro. Extract of the vegetable contracted the isolated ileum in a dose dependent fashion. These
contractions were inhibited by mepyramine (5x10-5M) cimetidine (5 x 10-5M )and atropine (5x10-5M) inferring that the stimulatory effects were modulated by H1 and H2 (histaminergic and muscarinic (cholinergic)
receptors. The mechanism of action of the laxative effect of Solanum aethiopicum was observed to be more than the bulk forming property of indigestible cellulose contained in vegetables generally.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1119-5096
print ISSN: 1119-5096