Confined growing goats were offered ad libitum sundried water hyacinth, cowpea pod and groundnut stubbles hand mixed in the respective proportions: 30:40:30 (diet 1); 30:30:40 (diet 2) and 40:30:30 (diet 3) to measure intake, feed conversion and rate of gain. Dry Matter Intake, DMI (56.14 ± 6.50g/kg dry matter intake (% of EW) 3.49 ± 0.30, feed conversion (g gain/kg feed) 47.24 ± 5.80 and rate of gain (gd 11.00 ± 2.80 of goats fed diet 3 were higher (P < 0.05) than the corresponding (P > 0.05) mean DM1 (49.88 ± 6.5Ogkg/BW). DM1 (% of BW) 3.11±0.30, feed conversion (g gain/kg feed) 40.55±5.80 and rate of gain (gd 8.37±2.80 of goats fed diets 1 and 2. Evaluation of sundried E. crassipes incorporated with legume residues for ruminant feeds at the maximum beneficial level of inclusion will be necessary.