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Acid secretory response and electrolyte composition of gastric juice in Diabetic rats
stimulate acid secretion. Stimulated acid secretion was collected for 50 minutes at 10 minutes interval. There were significant reductions (p<0.001) in the basal acid secretion of the diabetic rats compared to the controls. Acid secretory response to histamine and carbachol in the test groups were also significantly reduced (p<0.001). The electrolyte composition (Na+, K+, HCO3 - ) of gastric juice in the diabetic rats were significantly reduced (p<0.01). There was no difference in Cl- concentration of gastric juice in diabetic group compared with controls. The reduced gastric secretory output observed in the study could possibly be due to impairment of the neural pathways mediating acid secretion. The altered electrolyte composition of gastric juice observed in the diabetic groups could possibly be attributed to changes in the extracellular fluid caused
by diabetes mellitus. (Afr. J. Biomed. Res. 10: 145 – 151)