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The effects of bilateral orchidectomy on some serum enzymes and proteins in the west African dwarf buck

M.O. Oyeyemi
A.K. Olaifa
S.K. Onwuka
A.K. Akinloye
O.A. Utho


The effects of bilateral orchidectomy on serum protein and enzyme levels were investigated in 12 healthy West African Dwarf bucks over a 7-week period. Although the activity of alkaline phosphatase increased over the period, the increases were not statistically significant. There was a significant drop (p<0.05) in the activity of Aspartate amino transferase in the last 2 weeks of the study while alanine transaminase (ALAT) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) showed variation, which were in some cases significant. There was a slight hypoproteinaemia, which was traceable mainly to the globulin fraction. In fact in the 2nd –4th post-treatment week the albumin/globulin ratio (AGR) was inverted. The implication of these finding for the functional status of the castrates are discussed.

Keywords: Bilateral orchidectomy, serum, enzymes, goat


Des recherché ont ete menees pour identifier les effects de la castration bilaterale sur le serum proteinaire et des niveaux d’enzymes de douze (12) canards nain et saints d’Afrique de L’ouest sur une periode de sept (7) semaines. Bienque L’augmentation de l’activite de l’alkaline phosphatase durant cette periode, Ces ugmentations n’etaient pas statistiquement significantives. Il y avait une baisse significative (P<0.05) de l’activite de laspartate amino- transferase pendant les deux (2) denieaes semaines de l’etude, pendant alamine transaminase (ALT) et gamma glutanyle transferase (GGT) ont montre des variations qui etaient significantes dans certains cas. il ya eu une legere hypoproteinemie qui ‘etait dectetable seulement dans la portion globulaire. En fait a la quatrieme semaine d’apres traitement la fraction albumine/globuline a ete inversee. L’implication de ces donnees pour le statut functionnel des canards castres ont ete discute.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1119-5096
print ISSN: 1119-5096