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Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on growth, cytogenetic, protein content and antioxidant system of Zea mays L.

A Shabrangi
A Majd
M Sheidai


Electromagnetic fields are an important environmental factor that can influence the growth and development of plants. Exposure to EMFs was performed by a locally designed EMF generator. Our investigations were focused on plants grown from wet pretreated seeds with 3 and 10 mT for a 4 h exposure time and compared with the control plants. Different treatments differed significantly in morphological characters. Mitotic analyses indicated a positive influence of EMF on the rate of cell proliferation in pretreated seeds with 3 mT intensity for a 4 h exposure time, and showed decrease in chromosomal aberrations. The reverse occurred in pretreated seeds with 10 mT intensity for a 4 h exposure time. The mean value of total, terminal and intercalary chiasmata changed significantly in the plants grown from exposed seeds to 3 mT intensity indicating that EMFs increases genetic recombination. A significant decrease in protein content of pre-treated samples as well as alteration in the number and intensity of bands was observed. EMFs with the magnitude of 3 and 10 mT for 4 h caused significant increase in catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidaes (APX) activities in both root and shoot tissues.

Key words: Zea mays, cytogenetic, protein content, antioxidant system, electromagnetic fields.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315