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Regression model for the study of sole and cumulative effect of temperature and solar radiation on wheat yield

M Ahmed
FU Hassan
MA Aslam
MN Akram
M Akmal


The effect of variability in temperature, solar radiation and photothermal quotient were studied under varying planting windows in three wheat genotypes to cope environmental vulnerability. Regression models are regarded as valuable tools for the evaluation of temperature, solar radiation and photothermal quotient effects on wheat yield to bring its resilience to climatic vulnerability. The objective of this study was to evaluate sole and cumulative impact of temperature and solar radiation on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield using regression modeling approach. The data collected at maturity for grain number, grain weight and grain yield were regressed against mean temperature, solar radiation and photothermal quotient (PTQ) (temperature plus solar radiation) from emergence to anthesis and maturity, using STATISTICA9 software. Scatter-plot regression model was developed at 95% confidence interval with crop data and climate variables. Results indicate direct relationship of yield with solar radiation, cumulative effect of temperature and solar radiation, whereas yield had an inverse relationship with temperature alone. Direct relationship between PTQ and yield parameters confirmed PTQ as crop-yield determinant, thus, its management needs to be done by choosing a more appropriate sowing time and best suited genotypes as an adapted management strategy for farmers under increased climatic vulnerability.

Key words: Photothermal quotient, planting windows, solar radiation, temperature, wheat.