Isolates of Bipolaris oryzae were analysed by RAPD techniques to determine the amount of intraspecific genetic variability. In order to do RAPD-PCR, seven primers were applied. At first, DNA of all isolates was isolated, and then DNA was amplified in thermocycler by using seven primers at a thermal program. As the result, segments of DNA by the size of 200 - 300 bp were produced. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method gave three groups. Levels of polymorphism were observed between DNA of different isolates. The pattern of RAPD bands could not show the direct correlation between polymorphism and climates or geographical areas.
Keywords: Bipolaris oryzae, rice, genetic variation, RAPD
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(36), pp. 5800-5804, 6 September, 2010