A field split-split plot experiment in randomized complete block design was conducted during years 2003-04 and 2004-05 to evaluate the effects of salicylic acid (SA) at concentrations of 0, 10-4 and 10-5 M on four pea varieties (Meteor, Climax, Greenfeast and Rondo). Four phenological growth stages were selected of seed and fruit development (BBCH 73, BBCH 77, BBCH 83 and BBCH 88) for enzyme assay. Aqueous SA was applied by three different modes: Seed treatment, seed treatment plus foliar spray and foliar spray. Maximum ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was exhibited by the variety Rondo as compared to other three varieties during both years of study. At BBCH 77, all the varieties showed maximum specific activities of APX which gradually decreased in BBCH 83 and BBCH 88 phenological growth stages. The specific activities of APX were recorded as maximum in the pea seeds treated with SA concentration 10-4 M as compared to 10-5 M and 0 M during both years of study. In comparison of modes of application of SA, it was observed that maximum specific activity of APX was in plants which were given seed treatment plus foliar spray (STFS) as compared to only seed treatment (ST) or foliar spray (FS).
Keywords: Salicylic acid, BBCH, pea, ascorbate peroxidase, foliar application, Pisum sativum
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(33), pp. 5333-5337, 16 August, 2010