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Molecular mapping of MS-cd1 gene in Chinese kale
male sterility is controlled by a dominant gene Ms-cd1. In the present study, primary mapping of Ms-cd1 was conducted by screening a segregating population developed by four times backcrossing of B.
oleracea var. alboglabra into a male sterile B. oleracea var. italica line harboring Ms-cd1. Bulked segregation analysis (BSA) was performed for 226 BC4 individuals using SRAPs regarding of male sterility and fertility. Using 800 SRAP primers and 2,340 SRAP combined random primers, a primary map surrounding Ms-cd1 was constructed. Eight markers closely linked to the target gene were identified, among which the closest one on each side to Ms-cd1 was 0.53 and 5.04 cM, respectively. Markers linked
closely to the Ms-cd1 gene will enrich resources of molecular marker of Ms-cd1 locus; also serve to lay the foundations for molecular-assisted selection in breeding program, as well as fine mapping and mapbased
cloning of Ms-cd1 gene.