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Microsatellite loci and peroxidase alleles correlation in somaclonal variation of Eucalyptus microtheca F. Muell
from Eucalyptus microtheca 1-year-old seedling were cultured on modified MS medium, supplemented with different concentrations of NAA, Kin and TDZ. POD (peroxidase) alleles patterns were studied among regenerated plantlets to investigate the effect of TDZ concentration on POD activity. A dimer locus, a tetramer locus and two epigenetic bands were observed. Genome variation among somaclonal plantlets were investigated using microsatellite markers. SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers revealed polymorphism among the studied population. Nonparametric statistical analysis showed significant effect of simple sequence repeats loci on peroxidase alleles. Correlation of two similarity matrix POD and SSRs loci was 0.18 using Mental test. Results showed less stability of dimer locus in
different concentrations of TDZ compared to tetramer locus. Tetramer alleles showed more correlation to SSRs than that of dimmer ones.