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Occurrence of Pospiviroid in potato, tomato and some ornamental plants in Turkey
potato samples, 258 tomato leaves and 461 ornamental plants) were tested by reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and, the samples found to be positive in RT-PCR were also checked in return polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (R-PAGE). Of these samples, potato tubers were collected from markets, leaf samples from potato fields (Erzurum), tomato samples from field (Tokat, Amasya, Balýkesir and Bursa) and greenhouses (Antalya and Mula), leaves and vines of ornamental plants from greenhouses (Yalova) and florists (Erzurum) and recreation areas (Ankara, zmir and Trabzon). In the result of RT-PCR test, PSTVd was detected in 6 out of 891 potato tubers and CSVd in 2
out of 154 chrysanthemums. On the other side, tomato, citrus and most ornamental plants belonging to different families were found to be free from pospiviroid. This is the first report of CSVd in Turkey.