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The in vivo effect of N-nitrosomorpholine on the activity of enzymes in rat blood serums and liver
on the Rattus norvegicus race rats in this study. The administration of Nnitrosomorpholine causes alteration of some enzymes. The enzyme activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were determined for all the samples of blood serum and liver tissue. The results
demonstrated that there was an increase in the levels of the ALP, ALT, AST and LDH enzyme activities regarding to the in vivo effect of the N-nitrosomorpholine and the increases were evaluated as the metabolic response of liver to hepatotoxic action. NMOR results in the modifications on the biological macromolecules owing to its alkylating characteristic. The degradation and turn over of the protein gains speed gradually till alkylating factor disappear. This case in the circulation appears as the
increase of the enzyme activity. These alterations are responsible for carcinogenicity and happen as liver cancer observation in the liver.