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Bridging sd1 molecular knowledge with recent breeding strategies for the improvement of traditional rice varieties - a japonica case-study
designing a more precise breeding strategy - marker assisted backcrossing (MAB) - to track sd1 introgression in two traditional rice varieties. For selection of sd1 plants we first confirmed the efficiency of specific markers based on Os200 x 2 gene sequence. Background selection was also
performed with the help of microsatellites markers (SSR) and a total of 7 breeding lines were recovered containing a higher percentage of recurrent parent genome (RPG). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) using mean progenitor plant height as covariate was performed to compare several agronomic and quality-related parameters in two different environments. The results suggest that plant height differs significantly between the two environments F(1, 220) = 155.336; p < 0.001. From the total variability of
plant height we could conclude that 73% is due to the genotype, while 10.4% depends on the environment. In addition, the percentage of RPG seems negatively correlated with plant height (p < 0.005). MAB and background selection thus revealed as useful tools to assist breeding for
semidwarfism in traditional rice varieties.