Eleven improved sweetpotato varieties; “Kemb10, SPK004, Mugande, Namaswakhe, K117, Polista, Bungoma, Odinga, 292-H-12, Zapallo” and “Nyathi Odiewo (improved) ”, were tested against four popular farmer varieties; “Nyathi Odiewo (local), Jayalo, Amina and Kuny kibuonjo” for consumer preference. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments replicated four times in mother and baby trial with farmers’ involvement. The study was conducted in farmers’ fields in four locations covering the major sweetpotato production Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ ) of southwest Kenya namely; Kabondo AEZ, Upper Midland2 (UM2), Ndhiwa, Low Midland2 (LM2), Rangwe, Low Midland1 (LM1) and Kendu, Low Midland3 (LM3). The trials were planted in May and September 2005 both long and short rains, respectively. Ten participating and ten non-participating farmers per location formed a panel and evaluated the mother trial for consumer preference. Focused group discussions were held to determine farmers’ perception for evaluation. Data was collected on consumer preference: - yield, taste, aroma, ease to cook and texture. There were differences in yield with variety “Mug and” yielding highest followed by “K117 Nyathi Odiewo, Namaswakhe” and “Kemb10” respectively across locations. Farmers’ preferred local varieties “Nyathi Odiewo” and “Kuny kibounjo” were comparable to the improved varieties. Variety “Zapallo” and the local varieties; “Jayalo” and “Amina” had lower yielding. “Odinga” was most preferred for consumption followed by “Nyathi Odiewo Kemb10, SPK004, Polista, 292-H-12” and the local checks. Farmers’ involvement is crucial in evaluation of preferred sweetpotato varieties for consumption. However, varieties “K117” and “Mugande” have potential to increase farmers production.