The experimental material consisted of two parents Gurjari (white backed plant hopper resistant) and Jaya (white backed plant hopper susceptible) and their F2 progeny. The purpose of the study was the identification of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) marker for white backed plant hopper (WBPH) resistant gene. The RAPD analysis was done group wise as well as combined for the bulk segregant analysis (BSA). For the BSA, of the total 50 random primers surveyed, a single linked primer, OPA 08, was identified. This primer generated 8-bands, one of which, OPA08-7, was putatively linked to resistant gene as was evident by its presence in almost all the resistant bulks and vice-versa. This band had molecular weight equal to 1219.38 bp and was found in resistant parent, Gurjari, and in almost all the resistant bulks (the four susceptible bulks revealed absence of the same band) indicating the band OPA08-7 as a marker for WBPH resistance among the screened rice genotypes.