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Sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.)seed pre-treatment with water and HCl to improve germination
percentage of germination, rate of germination, time of germination and T10 were evaluated. The results indicated that percentage of germination, mean time of germination, rate of germination and T10, were affected significantly in all treatments in comparison with untreated seeds as well as the type and time of treatment. Results showed that both the type and time of treatment could improve the rate of germination. Soaking six hours with diluted acid (0.03 N) or with water, improved significantly the mean time of germination, rate of germination and T10 in comparison with untreated seeds. Result also indicated that seed treatment with water or 0.03 N hydrochloric acid for 6 h improved seed germination. Ultimately, the highest and lowest level of germination rate was obtained with soaking seeds in diluted acid (0.03 N) and concentrated acid (0.3 N), respectively. Therefore seed treatment with water could be low cost and more effective and thus could be suggested.