The flocculation mechanism of a stable mutant flocculent yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae KRM-1 was quantitatively investigated for potential industrial interest. It was found that the mutant flocculent strain was NewFlo phenotype by means of sugar inhibition test. The flocculation was completely inhibited by treatment with proteinase K, protein-denaturants and carbohydrate modifier. The absence of calcium ions significantly inhibited the flocculation, indicating that Ca2+ was specifically required for flocculation. The flocculation was stable when temperature below 70°C and pH was in the range of 3.0 - 6.0. The flocculation onset of the mutant flocculent strain was in the early stationary growth phase, which coincided with glucose depletion in the batch fermentation for the production of ethanol from kitchen refuse medium. The results are expected to help develop better strategies for the control of mutant flocculent yeast for future large-scale industrial ethanol fermentation.