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The impact of information quantity and strength of relationship between training set and validation set on accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values
records and were included in the training set. The generation 59 was assumed as juveniles without any phenotypic records (validation set). Two measures of heritability (h2 = 0.1 and h2 = 0.5) were considered.
Each simulation was replicated 10 times and results were averaged across replications. The results showed that using individuals of more recent generations in training set led to higher accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) than individuals from more distant generations. However, increase in the amount of phenotypic records in training set even from individuals of older generations will increase accuracy of GEBVs. Number of phenotypic records in training set was shown to have
important role in accuracy of GEBVs especially for low heritability traits.