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Characterization and intraspecific variation of Fusarium semitectum (Berkeley and Ravenel) associated with red-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus [Weber] Britton and Rose) in Malaysia
± 2.07 ìm), 0 - 5 septate with 3 - septate was the most common, with (56%) or without chlamydospores (44%), without sporodochia, abundant-floccose and abundant-powdery mycelium, beige to brown colonies, brown to dark brown pigmentations and slow growing. Corresponding to the morphological characterization, IGS-RFLP analysis indicated that the 79 isolates could be divided into 2 different clusters assigned as RFLP groups I and II. 49 IGS haplotypes were produced by 8 restriction enzymes
(AluI, Bsu15I, BsuRI, Eco881, Hin6I, MspI, PstI and TaqI) which indicated a high level of intraspecific variation and polymorphism among the 79 isolates. This is the first report of F. semitectum associated with H. polyrhizus.